Thursday, July 1, 2010

Went for a Swim...

And I totally wasn't expecting it. We took the dogs to the lake like usual and was throwing toys for Abby to retrieve. My dad was holding Bo and my sister and her friend were just watching and minding their own business. After a while I took Bo's leash from my dad and walked down to the water. Oh course I was thinking hey it's Bo he hates water so what the heck.

Next thing I know Abby sprints after the ducks and I wasn't expecting a reaction from Bo, but sure enough he shot off after her and charged into the water. I was standing way to close to the edge of the bank and of course ended up soaked to the bone.

HA! everyone was cracking up over it, but I just sat there like what the hell just happened and here comes Bo trotting up to me like "watcha doin in there?" and started waggin his nub and kidney beaning around m.

I do have some pics and I'll try to have some uploaded laterz if possible

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